Package orm2 :: Module sql
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Source Code for Module orm2.sql

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- 
  4  ##  This file is part of orm2, The Object Relational Membrane Verion 2. 
  5  ## 
  6  ##  Copyright 2002-2006 by Diedrich Vorberg <> 
  7  ## 
  8  ##  All Rights Reserved 
  9  ## 
 10  ##  For more Information on orm see the README file. 
 11  ## 
 12  ##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
 13  ##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
 14  ##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 
 15  ##  (at your option) any later version. 
 16  ## 
 17  ##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 18  ##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 20  ##  GNU General Public License for more details. 
 21  ## 
 22  ##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 23  ##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 24  ##  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA 
 25  ## 
 26  ##  I have added a copy of the GPL in the file COPYING 
 28  # Changelog 
 29  # --------- 
 30  # 
 31  # $Log:,v $ 
 32  # Revision 1.22  2007/12/30 00:57:54  diedrich 
 33  # Added errors param to unicode_literal. 
 34  # 
 35  # Revision 1.21  2007/07/09 20:31:31  diedrich 
 36  # Added where.or_() and where.and_() and changed __add__ and __mul__ to 
 37  # use these functions. 
 38  # 
 39  # Revision 1.20  2007/04/17 10:09:53  diedrich 
 40  # Fixed bug in select.__call__() caused by wrong clause order. 
 41  # 
 42  # Revision 1.18  2007/04/15 18:23:41  diedrich 
 43  # - Filter None from select.clauses 
 44  # - Fixed select.modify() 
 45  # 
 46  # Revision 1.17  2006/09/05 16:54:00  diedrich 
 47  # Of course, Python's database API doesn't support ? as a placeholder 
 48  # but %s. This also means that all %s must be escaped in input SQL. This 
 49  # remains untested for firebird. 
 50  # 
 51  # Revision 1.16  2006/09/04 15:51:41  diedrich 
 52  # The sql.sql() class now contains functions to use "?" syntax in calls 
 53  # to cursor.execute()). 
 54  # 
 55  # Revision 1.15  2006/07/04 22:44:49  diedrich 
 56  # Added bool_literal. 
 57  # 
 58  # Revision 1.14  2006/06/11 23:46:40  diedrich 
 59  # Fixed order_by's handling of the direction param. 
 60  # 
 61  # Revision 1.13  2006/06/10 18:04:37  diedrich 
 62  # - Changed handling of relation.schema, column.relation 
 63  # - identifyer.__str__() returns name without "s 
 64  # 
 65  # Revision 1.12  2006/06/09 15:36:21  diedrich 
 66  # Added schema to relation name 
 67  # 
 68  # Revision 1.11  2006/05/13 17:23:41  diedrich 
 69  # Massive docstring update. 
 70  # 
 71  # Revision 1.10  2006/04/28 09:49:27  diedrich 
 72  # Docstring updates for epydoc 
 73  # 
 74  # Revision 1.9  2006/04/28 08:44:48  diedrich 
 75  # Fixed __eq__() 
 76  # 
 77  # Revision 1.8  2006/02/25 17:37:39  diedrich 
 78  # Unroll lists that are passed to expression constructors 
 79  # 
 80  # Revision 1.7  2006/02/25 00:20:20  diedrich 
 81  # - Added and tested the ability to use multiple column primary keys. 
 82  # - Some small misc bugs. 
 83  # 
 84  # Revision 1.6  2006/01/01 20:44:17  diedrich 
 85  # Added __eq__() method to _part. This had a number of consequences in 
 86  # the way columns have to be handled ourside of orm2.sql. See the 
 87  # docstrings and the stupid dict class for details. 
 88  # 
 89  # Revision 1.5  2005/12/31 18:29:38  diedrich 
 90  # - Updated year in copyright header ;) 
 91  # - Better error messages. 
 92  # - Fixed the limit and offset classes (they never worked before) 
 93  # 
 94  # Revision 1.4  2005/12/31 10:00:56  diedrich 
 95  # - Moved a number of SQL related Exceptions into this module 
 96  # - Added some more comments 
 97  # 
 98  # Revision 1.3  2005/12/18 22:35:46  diedrich 
 99  # - Inheritance 
100  # - pgsql adapter 
101  # - first unit tests 
102  # - some more comments 
103  # 
104  # Revision 1.2  2005/11/21 20:01:09  diedrich 
105  # - moved datasource specific stuff here 
106  # - had clause, statement and identifyer inherift from a common baseclass, 
107  #   that has a __str__() method. This helps me create meaningfull debug 
108  #   messages without a real datasource 
109  # - wrote the insert class 
110  # 
111  # Revision  2005/11/20 14:55:46  diedrich 
112  # Initial import 
113  # 
114  # 
115  # 
117  """ 
118  This module provides a simple wrapper for SQL within Python. The idea 
119  is to obscure the SQL code that is being generated as little as 
120  possible, but to hide all the gorry details, especially of quoting and 
121  escaping things, away from the programmer. Also this code is supposed 
122  to be backend independent. Also this module is independent of the rest 
123  of orm2. 
125  The way it works is best described by example:: 
127    >>> ds = datasource(...some params...) 
128    >>> s = select( ( quotes('first name'), 'lastname', 'age', 
129                     expression('age + 10'), 
130                     as(quotes('negative age'), 'age - 10')), 
131                   'person', 
132                   where('age > 10'), order_by('age')) 
133    >>> print sql(ds)(s) 
134    SELECT "first name", lastname, age, age + 10, 
135       age - 10 AS "negative age" FROM person WHERE age > 10  ORDER BY "age" 
136    >>> u = update( 'person', where('id = 22'), 
137                   firstname = string_literal('Diedrich'), 
138                   lastname=string_literal('Vorberg')) 
139    >>> print sql(ds)(u) 
140    UPDATE person SET lastname = 'Vorberg', firstname = 'Diedrich' WHERE id = 22 
141    >>> d = delete ('person', where('id = 22')) 
142    >>> print sql(ds)(d) 
143    DELETE FROM person WHERE id = 22 
145  """ 
146  __author__ = "Diedrich Vorberg <>" 
147  __version__ = "$Revision: 1.8 $"[11:-2] 
150  from string import * 
151  from types import * 
153  NULL = "NULL"  
155  # Exceptions 
156 -class UnicodeNotAllowedInSQL(TypeError): pass
157 -class SQLSyntaxError(Exception): pass
158 -class UnicodeNotAllowedInSQL(Exception): pass
159 -class ClauseAlreadyExists(Exception): pass
160 -class IllegalOrderDirection(Exception): pass
161 162
163 -class datasource:
164 """ 165 A mix-in class that is inherited by datasouce.datasource_base. It 166 provies all the methods needed for a datasource to work with the 167 sql module. 168 169 This class' instances will work for most SQL92 complient backends 170 that use utf-8 unicode encoding. 171 """ 172 173 escaped_chars = ( ('"', r'\"',), 174 ("'", r'\"',), 175 ("%", "%%",), ) 176
177 - def identifyer_quotes(self, name):
178 return '"%s"' % name
180 - def string_quotes(self, string):
181 return "'%s'" % string
183 - def escape_string(self, string):
184 for a in self.escaped_chars: 185 string = string.replace(a[0], a[1]) 186 187 return string
189 - def backend_encoding(self):
190 return "utf-8"
191 192
193 -class sql:
194 """ 195 This class is used to do something that in Haskell is called 196 Cyrrying. This is what leads to the somewhat unusual constructs in 197 this source file, that look like:: 198 199 sql(ds)(some_element) 200 201 The sql class is instantiated with ds as the constructor's 202 argument. The instance implements the __call__ interface, which 203 enables me to use it like a function. This 'function' is then 204 applied to the some_element parameter. This is especially usefull 205 when programming in a functional style as I did here. 206 207 It takes a while to get used to this type of thinking, but it's 208 certainly worthwhile. Some consider this kind of programming 209 beautifull in artistic meaning of the word ;-) 210 211 @var params: After being called, this attribute contains those parameters 212 of the SQL statement that have not been escaped by this module but 213 shall be passed to cursor.execute() as second argument. Corresponding 214 ?s will be contained in the SQL statement. 215 """ 216
217 - def __init__(self, ds):
218 if not isinstance(ds, datasource): 219 raise TypeError("sql takes a datasource as argument") 220 221 self.ds = ds 222 self.params = []
224 - def __call__(self, *args):
225 """ 226 The arguments must either provide an __sql__() function or be 227 convertable to strings. The __sql__() function must return either a 228 string containing SQL or a pair as ( SQL, params, ) in which params 229 is a tuple which will be passed to cursor.execute() as second 230 arguments. These are Python instances used by the cursor to replace 231 ?s. This lets the lower level DBAPI module handle the quoting. 232 """ 233 ret = [] 234 235 for arg in args: 236 if type(arg) == UnicodeType: 237 raise UnicodeNotAllowedInSQL() 238 else: 239 if hasattr(arg, "__sql__"): 240 ret.append(arg.__sql__(self)) 241 else: 242 ret.append(str(arg)) 243 244 return join(ret, " ")
246 -def flatten_identifyer_list(runner, arg):
247 """ 248 A helper function that takes a list of strings, column and relaton 249 classes and converts if it to sensible sql. 250 """ 251 if type(arg) in (TupleType, ListType): 252 arg = map(runner, arg) 253 return join(arg, ", ") 254 else: 255 return runner(arg)
256 257
258 -class _part:
259 """ 260 The _part class is the base class for all SQL statement classes. 261 It proviedes a __str__() method, which calls __sql__() with a minimal 262 standard datasource that will yield SQL92 compliant results. 263 264 _part instances are not hashable. This is due to the fact that they are 265 mutable and I don't want to change that. Ignoring the conflict between 266 hashability and mutablity would not result in problems in many cases, but 267 problems it would cause, would be *very* hard to track down (things would 268 suddenly disappear from dicts, see Python Reference Manual chap. 3.3.1). 269 270 If you need to use SQL objects as dictionary keys or sets use the 271 orm2.util.stupid_dict class, which implements the mapping interface 272 without relying on hashing. (It uses sequential search instead, so it's 273 not suitable for large datasets.) See the method for 274 an example on how to use stupid_dict instead of Set. 275 """
276 - def __sql__(self, runner):
277 raise NotImplementedError()
279 - def __str__(self):
280 return sql(datasource())(self)
282 - def __eq__(self, other):
283 """ 284 Two SQL statements are considered equal if attributes containing 285 strings or statements are equal. (That means, that this method will 286 be called recursivly at times. 287 """ 288 if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): 289 # Two statements must be of the same class to be 290 # equal. 291 return False 292 293 for property, my_value in self.__dict__.items(): 294 if not other.__dict__.has_key(property): 295 # If the two statements have a different set of properties, 296 # they must be different. 297 return False 298 299 other_value = other.__dict__[property] 300 301 if my_value != other_value: 302 # the != above may call this function recursivly. 303 return False 304 305 return True
307 - def __ne__(self, other):
308 return not self.__eq__(other)
310 -class statement(_part):
311 """ 312 Base class for all statements (select, update, delete, etc) 313 """
315 -class clause(_part):
316 """ 317 Base class for clauses. They will be ordered according to rank 318 when used to form a statement. 319 """ 320 rank = 0
322 -class identifyer(_part):
323 """ 324 Base class that encapsulates all sql identifyers. 325 """
326 - def __init__(self, name, quotes=False):
327 = name 328 self.quotes = quotes
330 - def __sql__(self, runner):
331 if self.quotes: 332 return runner.ds.identifyer_quotes( 333 else: 334 return
336 - def __str__(self):
337 """ 338 When converted to regular strings, identifyers are not quoted. 339 """ 340 return
342 -class quotes(identifyer):
343 """ 344 Shorthand for an identifyer that you'd like to be surrounded in 345 quotes within the sql code. 346 """
347 - def __init__(self, name):
348 identifyer.__init__(self, name, True)
350 -class literal:
351 """ 352 Base class for those classes that encapsulate a value that is ment 353 to go into the SQL as-such. 354 """
355 - def __init__(self, sql):
356 if type(sql) == UnicodeType: 357 raise UnicodeNotAllowedInSQL() 358 359 self.sql = sql
361 - def __sql__(self, runner):
362 return self.sql
364 -class integer_literal(literal):
365 - def __init__(self, i):
366 if type(i) != IntType and type(i) != LongType: 367 raise TypeError("integer_literal takes an integer as argument, not a " + repr(type(i))) 368 self.sql = str(i)
370 -class long_literal(literal):
371 """ 372 Python 2.3 still makes a difference between long and int, so I need to 373 classes here. 374 """
375 - def __init__(self, i):
376 if type(i) != IntType and type(i) != LongType: 377 raise TypeError("long_literal takes a long as argument, not a " + repr(type(i))) 378 self.sql = str(i)
380 -class float_literal(literal):
381 - def __init__(self, i):
382 if type(i) != FloatType and type(i) != LongType: 383 raise TypeError("float_literal takes an float as argument, not a " + repr(type(i))) 384 self.sql = str(i)
386 -class string_literal(literal):
387 - def __init__(self, s):
388 if type(s) == UnicodeType: 389 raise TypeError("string_literal takes a string as argument. " + \ 390 "Use unicode_literal for Unicode values.") 391 392 self.content = str(s)
394 - def __sql__(self, runner):
395 s = runner.ds.escape_string(self.content) 396 sql = runner.ds.string_quotes(s) 397 398 return sql
400 -class unicode_literal(literal):
401 - def __init__(self, u, errors="strict"):
402 """ 403 The errors parameter determines what to do if a character cannot 404 be incoded in the target coding system. Other legal values 'ignore' 405 and 'replace'. See the documentation for the built-in unicode() 406 function. 407 """ 408 if type(u) != UnicodeType: 409 raise TypeError("unicode_literal takes a unicode argument.") 410 411 self.content = u 412 self.errors = errors
414 - def __sql__(self, runner):
415 s = self.content.encode(runner.ds.backend_encoding(), self.errors) 416 s = runner.ds.escape_string(s) 417 sql = runner.ds.string_quotes(s) 418 419 return sql
421 -class bool_literal(literal):
422 - def __init__(self, b):
423 self.content = bool(b)
425 - def __sql__(self, runner):
426 if self.content: 427 return "TRUE" 428 else: 429 return "FALSE"
431 -class direct_literal(literal):
432 """ 433 This returns a %s as SQL code and the content you pass to the constructor 434 to be quoted by the cursor's implementation rathern than by orm2.sql. 435 Refer to he sql class' __call__() method. 436 """
437 - def __init__(self, content):
438 self.content = content
440 - def __sql__(self, runner):
441 runner.params.append(self.content) 442 return "%s"
443 444
445 -class relation(_part):
446 - def __init__(self, name, schema=None, quote=False):
447 if not isinstance(name, identifyer): 448 = identifyer(name, quote) 449 else: 450 = name 451 452 if type(schema) == StringType: 453 self.schema = identifyer(schema) 454 else: 455 self.schema = schema
457 - def __sql__(self, runner):
458 if self.schema is not None: 459 return runner(self.schema) + "." + runner( 460 else: 461 return runner(
462 463
464 -class column(_part):
465 """ 466 A column name. If the relation argument is passed to the 467 constructor, the sql result will look like:: 468 469 relation.column_name 470 471 including appropriate quotes if desired. The relation parameter 472 may be an sql.identifyer instance if the relation name needs to be 473 quoted. 474 """
475 - def __init__(self, name, relation=None, quote=False):
476 if not isinstance(name, identifyer): 477 = identifyer(name, quote) 478 else: 479 = name 480 481 if type(relation) == StringType: 482 self.relation = identifyer(relation) 483 else: 484 self.relation = relation
486 - def __sql__(self, runner):
487 if self.relation is not None: 488 return runner(self.relation) + "." + runner( 489 else: 490 return runner(
492 -class expression:
493 """ 494 Encapsolate an SQL expression as for example a arithmetic or a 495 function call. 496 497 >>> sql()( expression('COUNT(amount) + ', 10) ) 498 ==> COUNT(amount) + 10 499 """
500 - def __init__(self, *parts):
501 = [] 502 self._append(parts)
504 - def _append(self, parts):
505 for part in parts: 506 if type(part) in ( TupleType, ListType, GeneratorType, ): 507 self._append(part) 508 else: 509
511 - def __sql__(self, runner):
512 parts = map(runner, 513 parts = map(strip, parts) 514 return join(parts, " ")
516 - def __add__(self, other):
517 ret = expression() 518 = + 519 520 return ret
522 -class as(expression):
523 """ 524 Encapsulates an expression that goes into an AS statement in a 525 SELECT's column list. 526 527 >>> sql()( as('column', 'columns / 10') ) 528 ==> columns / 10 AS column_div_by_ten 529 530 """
531 - def __init__(self, column, *parts):
532 self.column = column 533 expression.__init__(self, *parts)
535 - def __sql__(self, runner):
536 return expression.__sql__(self, runner)+" AS "+runner(self.column)
538 -class where(clause, expression):
539 """ 540 Encapsulates the WHERE clause of a SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE 541 statement. Just an expression with WHERE prepended. 542 """ 543 rank = 1 544
545 - def __sql__(self, runner):
546 return "WHERE " + expression.__sql__(self, runner)
548 - def __add__(self, other):
549 """ 550 Adding two where clauses connects them using AND (including 551 parantheses) 552 """ 553 return self.and_([self, other])
555 - def __mul__(self, other):
556 """ 557 Multiplying two where clauses connects them using OR (including 558 parantheses). 559 """ 560 return self.or_([self, other])
562 - def or_(cls, others):
563 """ 564 OTHERS is a list of sql.where instances that are connected 565 using OR. 566 """ 567 if len(others) < 1: 568 raise ValueError("Empty input for or_()") 569 570 ret = where() 571 572 for other in others: 573"(") 574 += list( 575")") 576" OR ") 577 578 del[-1] # remove the last OR 579 580 return ret
581 or_ = classmethod(or_) 582
583 - def and_(cls, others):
584 """ 585 OTHERS is a list of sql.where instances that are connected 586 using OR. 587 """ 588 if len(others) < 1: 589 raise ValueError("Empty input for and_()") 590 591 ret = where() 592 593 for other in others: 594"(") 595 += list( 596")") 597" AND ") 598 599 del[-1] # remove the last OR 600 601 return ret
602 and_ = classmethod(and_)
604 -class order_by(clause):
605 """ 606 Encapsulate the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement. Takes a 607 list of columns as argument. 608 609 FIXME: order by expression, ASC, DESC!!! 610 """ 611 612 rank = 2 613
614 - def __init__(self, *columns, **kw):
615 self.columns = columns 616 617 dir = kw.get("dir", "ASC") 618 if upper(dir) not in ("ASC", "DESC",): 619 raise SQLSyntaxError("dir must bei either ASC or DESC") 620 else: 621 self.dir = dir
623 - def __sql__(self, runner):
624 ret = "ORDER BY %s" % flatten_identifyer_list(runner, self.columns) 625 626 if self.dir is not None: 627 ret = "%s %s" % ( ret, self.dir, ) 628 629 return ret
630 631 orderby = order_by 632
633 -class limit(clause):
634 """ 635 Encapsulate a SELECT statement's limit clause. 636 """ 637 638 rank = 3 639
640 - def __init__(self, limit):
641 if type(limit) != IntType: 642 raise TypeError("Limit must be an integer") 643 644 self.limit = limit
646 - def __sql__(self, runner):
647 limit = integer_literal(self.limit) 648 return "LIMIT %s" % runner(limit)
650 -class offset(clause):
651 """ 652 Encapsulate a SELECT statement's offset clause. 653 """ 654 655 rank = 3 656
657 - def __init__(self, offset):
658 if type(offset) != IntType: 659 raise TypeError("Offset must be an integer") 660 661 self.offset = offset
663 - def __sql__(self, runner):
664 offset = integer_literal(self.offset) 665 return "OFFSET %s" % runner(offset)
667 -class select(statement):
668 """ 669 Encapsulate a SELECT statement. 670 """ 671
672 - def __init__(self, columns, relations, *clauses):
673 self.columns = columns 674 self.relations = relations 675 self.clauses = filter(lambda clause: clause is not None, 676 list(clauses)) 677 678 for c in self.clauses: 679 if not isinstance(c, clause): 680 raise TypeError("%s is not an SQL clause" % repr(c))
682 - def add(self, new_clause):
683 if not isinstance(new_clause, clause): 684 raise TypeError("Argument must be a sql clause instance.") 685 686 for clause in self.clauses: 687 if isinstance(new_clause, clause.__class__): 688 raise ClauseAlreadyExists()
690 - def modify(self, new_clause):
691 if not isinstance(new_clause, clause): 692 raise TypeError("Argument must be a sql clause instance.") 693 694 for counter, cls in enumerate(self.clauses): 695 if isinstance(new_clause, cls.__class__): 696 del self.clauses[counter] 697 break 698 699 self.clauses.append(new_clause)
701 - def __sql__(self, runner):
702 clauses = filter(lambda a: a is not None, self.clauses) 703 clauses.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.rank, b.rank)) 704 clauses = map(runner, clauses) 705 clauses = join(clauses, " ") 706 707 columns = flatten_identifyer_list(runner, self.columns) 708 relations = flatten_identifyer_list(runner, self.relations) 709 710 return "SELECT %(columns)s FROM %(relations)s %(clauses)s" % locals()
712 -class insert(statement):
713 """ 714 Encapsulate an INSERT statement. 715 """
716 - def __init__(self, relation, columns, values):
717 self.relation = relation 718 self.columns = columns 719 self.values = values 720 721 if len(self.columns) != len(self.values): 722 raise SQLSyntaxError( 723 "You must provide exactly one value for each column")
725 - def __sql__(self, runner):
726 relation = self.relation 727 columns = flatten_identifyer_list(runner, self.columns) 728 values = flatten_identifyer_list(runner, self.values) 729 # ok, values are no identifyers, but it's really the same thing 730 # that's supposed to happen with them: call sql() on each of them, 731 # put a , in between and return them as a string 732 733 return "INSERT INTO %(relation)s(%(columns)s) VALUES (%(values)s)" % \ 734 locals()
736 -class update(statement):
737 """ 738 Encapsulate a UPDATE statement. 739 """ 740
741 - def __init__(self, relation, where_clause, info={}, **param_info):
742 """ 743 @param relation: The relation to be updates. 744 @param where_clause: where clause that determines the row to be updated 745 @param info: Dictionary as {'column': sql_literal} 746 """ 747 self.relation = relation 748 = info 749 750 751 if not isinstance(where_clause, where): 752 where_clause = where(where_clause) 753 754 self.where = where_clause
756 - def __sql__(self, runner):
757 relation = runner(self.relation) 758 where = runner(self.where) 759 760 info = [] 761 for column, value in 762 column = runner(column) 763 value = runner(value) 764 765 info.append( "%s = %s" % (column, value,) ) 766 767 info = join(info, ", ") 768 769 return "UPDATE %(relation)s SET %(info)s %(where)s" % locals()
770 771
772 -class delete(statement):
773 """ 774 Encapsulate a DELETE statement. 775 """ 776
777 - def __init__(self, relation, where_clause):
778 self.relation = relation 779 self.where = where_clause
781 - def __sql__(self, runner):
782 relation = runner(self.relation) 783 where = runner(self.where) 784 785 return "DELETE FROM %(relation)s %(where)s" % locals()