Package orm2 :: Module dbobject :: Class dbobject
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Class dbobject

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

Base class for all database aware classes.

It contains a number of helper methods which are called like this: __help__(). You may safely add db-aware properties, regular properties and methods.

Nested Classes [hide private]
This attribute must be a class which inherits from result.

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, **kw)
Construct a dbobj from key word arguments.
  __insert__(self, ds)
This method is called by datasource.insert() after the insert query has been performed.
Return this dbobject's datasource (the one it is stored in).
Return a human readable (more or less) representation of this dbobject.
  __eq__(self, other)
Two dbobjects are considered equal, if they have the same dbclass and the same primary key.
  __ne__(self, other)
Same as __eq__, just the other way 'round ;-)
  __widget_specs__(self, module_name)
Return a list of all widget_specs for the module named module_name.
  __update_from_dict__(self, kw)

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Methods [hide private]
  __from_result__(cls, ds, info)
This constructor is called by datasource.datasource_base when an object is created using a row retreived from the RDBMS.
Return the datatype objects among this dbobjects attributes as a dict like { name: property, ...
  __dbproperty__(cls, name=None)
Return a dbproperty by its name.
  __has_dbproperty__(cls, name)
Return whether this dbclass has a property named `name`.
A list of columns to select from the relation to construct one of these.

Class Variables [hide private]
  __primary_key__ = 'id'
The primary key must be either
Name of the relation this dbclass' values are stored in.
String containing the name of the schema this dbclass' relatin resides in.

Properties [hide private]
Property class the will return the module object of the module the owning class was loaded from.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kw)

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Construct a dbobj from key word arguments. Example:
  me = person(firstname='Diedrich', lastname='Vorberg')
firstname and lastname are dbproperties. The reserved parameter __ds allows you to pass a datasource to objects that are not inserted yet and might need a ds to construct views and the like.
Overrides: object.__init__

__from_result__(cls, ds, info)
Class Method

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This constructor is called by datasource.datasource_base when an object is created using a row retreived from the RDBMS.
  • ds - datasource we are created by (see select() method)
  • info - dictionary as { 'column_name': <data> }

__insert__(self, ds)

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This method is called by datasource.insert() after the insert query has been performed. It sets the dbobj's _ds attribute.
  • ds - datasource that just inserted us


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Return this dbobject's datasource (the one it is stored in).


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Wheather this dbobj has been stored in the database already or retrieved from it

Class Method

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Return the datatype objects among this dbobjects attributes as a dict like { name: property, ... }

__dbproperty__(cls, name=None)
Class Method

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Return a dbproperty by its name. Raise exceptions if
  • there is no property by that name
  • it's not a dbproperty
name defaults to the dbclass' primary key.

__has_dbproperty__(cls, name)
Class Method

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Return whether this dbclass has a property named `name`.

Class Method

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A list of columns to select from the relation to construct one of these.

(Representation operator)

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Return a human readable (more or less) representation of this dbobject.
Overrides: object.__repr__

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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Two dbobjects are considered equal, if they have the same dbclass and the same primary key. This method does not check any attributes!

__ne__(self, other)

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Same as __eq__, just the other way 'round ;-)

__widget_specs__(self, module_name)

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Return a list of all widget_specs for the module named module_name.


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__update_from_dict__(self, kw)

source code 

Class Variable Details [hide private]


The primary key must be either
  • a keys.primary_key instance
  • a tuple of strings indicating attribute (not column!) names of this class that form a multi column primary key
  • a simple string indicating the attribute that manages the primary key column of this dbclass
  • None if the class does not have a primary key (which makes it impossible to update rows by updating an instance's attributes through orm)


Name of the relation this dbclass' values are stored in. Defaults to the class' name. May be set to a string or an sql.relation instance.


String containing the name of the schema this dbclass' relatin resides in.

Property Details [hide private]


Property class the will return the module object of the module the owning class was loaded from.
Get Method:
Set Method:
Delete Method: