Package orm2 :: Module datatypes :: Class property_group
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Class property_group

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object --+        
  property --+    
      datatype --+

This datatype will manage several columns of the same datatype that follow a naming convention. It is maily indended for database tables that store several versions of a string in several columns, as for example for applications where you have more than one language.

  CREATE TABLE item_category
     id SERIAL,
     name_en TEXT,
     name_de TEXT,

     PRIMARY KEY(id)
And in Python:
  class item_category:
      id = serial()
      name = datatype_group(Unicode, ('en', 'de',), 'en')
The datatype_group instance will add one dbproperty to the dbclass for each postfix you supply. These are not accessible directly, but the datatype_group dbproperty will behave like a Python dictionary:
  lang = 'de'
  category_name =[lang]
The naming convention for the database column goes <attribute name>_<postfix>. If you want to use your own column names, you may pass a dictionary as the postfixes parameter like:
  { 'p1': sql.column(name1), 'p2': sql.column(name2) }
In this case the implementation will accept any datatype for the postfixes.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, inside_datatype, postfixes, default_postfix=None, title=None, validators=(), has_default=False)
The rest of the params just like datatype.
  __init_dbclass__(self, dbclass, attribute_name)
This methods gets called by dbobject's metaclass.
Return a dict as { postfix: <datatype instance> }
  __get__(self, dbobj, owner="")
See the Python Language Reference, chapter for details on how this works.
  __set__(self, dbobj, value)
Set the attribute managed by this datatype class on instance to value.
  __set_from_result__(self, ds, dbobj, value)
  isset(self, dbobj)
  sql_literal(self, dbobj)
Return an SQL literal representing the data managed by this property in dbobj.
Indicate whether this column shall be included in SELECT statements.
  __select_after_insert__(self, dbobj)
Indicate whether this column needs to be SELECTed after the dbobj has been inserted to pick up information supplied by backend as by SQL default values and auto increment columns.

Inherited from datatype: __convert__, __delete__, __setattr__, add_widget, check_dbobj, data_attribute_name, widget_specs

Inherited from property: __getattribute__, __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from datatype: python_class, sql_literal_class

Inherited from property: fdel, fget, fset

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, inside_datatype, postfixes, default_postfix=None, title=None, validators=(), has_default=False)

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The rest of the params just like datatype.
  • inside_datatype - This is the datatype <b>class</b> for the managed attributes.
  • postfixes - This may either be a tuple of strings, which will be used in the column names as described above or a dictionary mapping arbitrary keys to column names.
Overrides: datatype.__init__

__init_dbclass__(self, dbclass, attribute_name)

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This methods gets called by dbobject's metaclass. It supplies the db property with info about the class it belongs to and its attribute name.
Overrides: datatype.__init_dbclass__
(inherited documentation)


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Return a dict as { postfix: <datatype instance> }

__get__(self, dbobj, owner="")

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See the Python Language Reference, chapter for details on how this works. Be sure to be in a relaxed, ready-for-hard-figuring mood.
Overrides: datatype.__get__
(inherited documentation)

__set__(self, dbobj, value)

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Set the attribute managed by this datatype class on instance to value. This will be called by Python on attribute assignment. The __set_from_result__ method does the same thing for data retrieved from the RDBMS. See below.
Overrides: datatype.__set__
(inherited documentation)

__set_from_result__(self, ds, dbobj, value)

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Overrides: datatype.__set_from_result__

isset(self, dbobj)

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True, if this property is set, otherwise... well.. False.
Overrides: datatype.isset
(inherited documentation)

sql_literal(self, dbobj)

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Return an SQL literal representing the data managed by this property in dbobj.
SQL literal as a string.
Overrides: datatype.sql_literal
(inherited documentation)


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Indicate whether this column shall be included in SELECT statements. True by default, it will return False for most relationships.
Overrides: datatype.__select_this_column__
(inherited documentation)

__select_after_insert__(self, dbobj)

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Indicate whether this column needs to be SELECTed after the dbobj has been inserted to pick up information supplied by backend as by SQL default values and auto increment columns.
Overrides: datatype.__select_after_insert__
(inherited documentation)