Package orm2 :: Package adapters :: Package mysql :: Module datatypes :: Class auto_increment
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Class auto_increment

source code

    object --+            
      property --+        
datatypes.datatype --+    
     datatypes.integer --+

This datatype is for INTEGER columns using MySQL's AUTO_INCREMENT functionality. They usually serve as primary keys.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from datatypes.integer: python_class, sql_literal_class

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, column=None, title=None, validators=(), widget_specs=())
  __select_after_insert__(self, dbobj)
Indicate whether this column needs to be SELECTed after the dbobj has been inserted to pick up information supplied by backend as by SQL default values and auto increment columns.
  __set__(self, dbobj, value)
Set the attribute managed by this datatype class on instance to value.

Inherited from datatypes.datatype: __convert__, __delete__, __get__, __init_dbclass__, __select_this_column__, __set_from_result__, __setattr__, add_widget, check_dbobj, data_attribute_name, isset, sql_literal, widget_specs

Inherited from property: __getattribute__, __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from property: fdel, fget, fset

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, column=None, title=None, validators=(), widget_specs=())

source code 
Overrides: datatypes.datatype.__init__
(inherited documentation)

__select_after_insert__(self, dbobj)

source code 
Indicate whether this column needs to be SELECTed after the dbobj has been inserted to pick up information supplied by backend as by SQL default values and auto increment columns.
Overrides: datatypes.datatype.__select_after_insert__
(inherited documentation)

__set__(self, dbobj, value)

source code 
Set the attribute managed by this datatype class on instance to value. This will be called by Python on attribute assignment. The __set_from_result__ method does the same thing for data retrieved from the RDBMS. See below.
Overrides: datatypes.datatype.__set__
(inherited documentation)