[orm-devel] Re: Firebird and 0.15

Diedrich Vorberg diedrich at tux4web.de
Fri Apr 23 20:35:55 CEST 2004

Hi Werner,

>1. couldn't pass debug keyword to the connection

>                self.ds = datasource(('''adapter=firebird database=%s
>                           user=user password=pw charset=ISO8859_1 
>                           % dbfilename)
I see, there was an error in datasource.py, line 259. I confused
kwargs and params.

>                Will change it along the lines you use in the examples
Should be no need anymore, I'll upload 0.16.

>2. can you add the following to orm.firebird.datasource.py in __init__
>         # Kinterbasdb and Firebird only needs the following - WFB Dec 2003
>        self.escapedChars = [("'",  "''")]
no prob.

>I also get the impression that things are a bit slower then they were, 
>but this is just an impression, I have not done any kind of benchmarking.
Hm... I'd be surprised if orm had anything to do with this. The
performance loss compared to writing SQL by hand should be
minuscule. There is simply no need for "expensive" computations
anywhere in orm.

>Testing so far was just to get to have things run without any obvious 
>errors (like exceptions etc).  Will over the next few days try and do 
>more serious testing.
Great! Thank you very much for your efforts!


Diedrich Vorberg <diedrich at tux4web.de>      .---.   /             \
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