[orm-devel] Introduction, thanks and a couple of comments on the 0.7 release

Diedrich Vorberg orm-devel@mailman.tux4web.de
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 10:44:52 +0100

Hi Eric, 

thank you very much for the nice words you found about ORM! Your 
encouragement is very much appreciated!

>> psycopg.ProgrammingError: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "=<"
>> UPDATE projects SET job_number='2002-057', [snip other columns],
>> bid_price=<orm.columns._float instance at 0x8d5a5bc>, city='San
>> Francisco'
>> WHERE id=315

I don't seem to be able to reproduce this. Could you take a look at 
the assignment of the new value? Do you assign a float number or a 
column instance? Perhaps just cut and paste the code ...

>I'd like to be able to do:
>"bid_price"  :numeric(),
>but there is no numeric type around line 546 in orm/columns.py, which I'm
>guessing would look like:
Yes, I know...

># float point quantities
>float, floatColumn = _float, _floatColumn
>numeric, numericColumn = _float, _floatColumn
No, that's not the way I wanted to go. The PostgreSQL NUMBERIC type 
is for arbitrary precision quanteties, see, the the Python float type 
has 64 bit (I think). 64 bit's pretty large, but it's not arbitrary. 
I was going to use the egenix-experimental mx.Number class to 
represent arbitrary numerals in ORM. The problem is, it doesn't 
compile out-of-the-box on my maching (MacOSX). 

I'm going to look into this right away and if I get it to run I'll 
put the numerical type for PostgreSQL in the CVS.

>Eric Walstad,
>San Francisco
San Francisco... whow... :-))


           _..._                            Diedrich Vorberg
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