[orm-devel] Introduction, thanks and a couple of comments on the 0.7 release
Eric Walstad
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 15:46:44 -0800 (PST)
Hi All,
First off, thanks for ORM! I had to develop something like it before from
scratch (nothing as comprehensive as orm) so I can really appreciate the
work you've already done! Also, I enjoy using it.
I am putting myself through an exercise of learning both ORM and wxPython
by converting my business administration database to wxPython and ORM.
I started out with ORM 0.4.2. It was working well until I tried to commit
some data of type "numeric." In 0.4.2 the numeric column and datatype
classes were incomplete and I was receiving errors when I'd try to commit
the data to postgres. So, I just downloaded the latest ORM (0.7) and have
made the necessary changes to my import statements to accomodate the new
package structure (MySQL support, YAY!). I ran into a couple more
problems, so I subscribed to the mailing lists and found your cvs and
downloaded it. I'm still having a bit of trouble with "numeric" data:
psycopg.ProgrammingError: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "=<"
UPDATE projects SET job_number='2002-057', [snip other columns],
bid_price=<orm.columns._float instance at 0x8d5a5bc>, city='San Francisco'
WHERE id=315
As you can see, the "Bid Price" float is not getting converted correctly
and therefore the SQL is invalid. I dug around a bit in orm/columns.py ->
_numerical.convert() method, but didn't see anything there.
Here's the SQL used to create the table:
CREATE TABLE "projects" (
"id" integer DEFAULT nextval('"projects_id_seq"'::text) NOT NULL,
"contacts_id" integer,
"job_number" character varying(20),
"project_date" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(),
"name" character varying(50),
"address" character varying(50),
"city" character varying(50),
"state" character(2) DEFAULT 'CA',
"zip" character varying(50),
"project_type" character varying(50),
"bid_price" numeric(8,2),
Constraint "projects_pkey" Primary Key ("id")
And here's the corresponding dbclass constructor:
class projects(dbclass):
columns = { "id" :integer(),
"contacts_id" :integer(),
"job_number" :varchar(),
"project_date" :timestamp(),
"name" :varchar(),
"address" :varchar(),
"city" :varchar(),
"state" :char(),
"zip" :varchar(),
"project_type" :varchar(),
"bid_price" :float(),
"invoices" :one2many(invoices, "project_id")}
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