[orm-devel] CVS Version

Diedrich Vorberg orm-devel@mailman.tux4web.de
9 Jul 2003 15:33:00 -0000


the CVS version is moving again. It might not be useable at times, so
stick to 0.10 for the time being.

As a first step, I have removed all code that treated pgsql's oid
column special. Those of you who's code depended on that (like mine)
must add an entry to your columns dict for "oid" and set the
primaryKey to "oid" if that is how you use it. See the test_oid.py

I am going to continue work on orm's ability to work nicely with SQL
CONSTRAINTS. I can't promise when you'll hear from me again,


           _..._                            Diedrich Vorberg
         .'     '.
        /  _   _  \                         http://www.tux4web.de
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